
Website owned by Louis-Pierre Aubert, hosted by namecheap.com.

SIRET: 880 209 036 00024

Dispensé d’immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) et au Répertoire des Métiers (RM).

Collected Information


This website will not collect any personal informations and does not allow third-party advertisements or any forms of tracking or cookies, in accordance of the General Data Protection Regulation. However, this website have links for social networks that can collect personal data.


Any information sent by e-mail will not be sold but will be stored in every invoices and quotes if requested by the authorities.

Payment Terms And Refund Policy


Products can be hosted by different websites with their own refund policy. Each product's store page always indicates when its refundable or not.


When satisfied by the quotation, please return the quote to the e-mail adress of the service provider, signed-off with the “Agreed” mention written before the offer period’s expiration date. If approved before this date, the service will start at the approbation day and the payment must be settled before the 14 days starting this service. In the context of a contract for the provision of workers, the service provider remains the employer. This service can be refunded excluding travel expenses.


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